If you have questions, contact Jeff Henke 563.299.4435
FORM INSTRUCTIONS: Complete the registration form below. Then you will have the option to pay by check or credit card. You will also be sent an email confirmation.
If you choose to pay by check, mail your check payable to ILLOWA NAVHDA to Jeff Henke, 6442 114th Ave., Wapello, IA 52653
NOTE: Once hunters are signed in, we will list them on a white board for running order in the field. You need to help by watching the board and being ready to go to the field when you are up. Trap will be shot as required. Groups are allowed to get together and shoot trap for $10.00 a round of 15 clay birds. The shooters best trap score can be used along with their field score to see who is the overall winner (champion) for 2025..