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Wapello, Iowa 2/10/2018 Great day. Lots of good dog work.
Wapello, IA. Large turn out of people and dogs. Great day.
March 24, 2018 was an awesome day for the chapter even with Mother Nature's antics. She gave us rain, sleet, snow and wind but she couldn't stop the great group of hunters from joining us. The little shed was stuffed to the brim at times but it was just plain fun. Lonna cooked us breakfast and lunch. She has to be the best cook in the county. This is the annual fund raising event for the chapter and sincerely appreciate the support of everyone who braved the weather to make 2018 a great success. Thank you all.
The Saturday June 2nd NA test is in the books. We could not have ordered a better day for testing. Congratulations to all the handlers. Thank you to a terrific judging team, Thank you to all who helped and a very special Thank you to the Brush Dale Hunting Preserve family. More details will follow when time allows. Help yourself to your photos.
The Sunday NA test day was every bit as great as Saturday. The weather was beautiful and the wind kept the horrid knats away. The handlers and dogs were well prepared and the judging team couldn't have been better. We cannot say enough good things about the grounds and our hosts, Mark and Michelle Wilbers and Del and Judy Pooler. Our helpers were awesome. Always right on top of what was needed next. Thanks all. Here are a few shots from today.
Saturday - August 11th - Wapello, IA
We had a great turn out.
Friday we tested 3 Utility dogs and 4 Natural Ability dogs. Our judges were Bob Hauser, Jason Meyer, and Brent Catura. Apprentice, Kat Pippitt. Prize or not, every dog was the best dog there.
On Saturday we tested 1 Utility dog and 8 Natural Ability. Our judges were Jason Meyer, Brent Catura and Joe Raia. We also had two apprentices; Charles Coulter and Kat Pippitt. We look forward to their being able to judge for us in the future. This was a day of beautiful dogs and dog work.
Another great testing day. One Utility and 8 Natural Ability dogs. Our judges were Bob Hauser, Jason Meyer and Brent Catura with apprentices Kat Pippitt and Charles Coulter. Congratulations to all the handlers and thank you for testing with us.
October 20th was the Youth Pheasant season opener and we hosted the hunt again. I think it was year 12 or 13. Need to check on that. The flood made us change our location to the home place and public ground but it worked very well. The hunter safety review, breakfast, trap shooting and lunch was held at home and the pheasant hunt was on the public ground just to the North of us. We had 9 youth registered but due to other circumstances only 6 participated. We have so many people to thank; Please forgive me if I miss someone: Tracy Lott, Doug Brown, Chris Wall, and Bill Barraks handled the education, trap shooting and field mentoring. Shelly Singleton at Caseys furnished the pizza, donuts, milk and water. Jeff Henke and Walker Bolander presented the bird identification. Clint Henning and his GSP Roxie presented the pointing demonstration. Our awesome utility dogs were handled by Denise Heath (Lucky), Russ Bardenhagen (Gero), Terry Huebbe (Diesel), Lori Tyler (Sage), Jeff Swope (Ruger & Tess) and Lauren Wall (sorry I missed the name). Walker Bolander set the birds for us. Jerry Houtekier donated the Pheasants and even picked them up for us! Lonna of Where’s Lonna cooked lunch for us. (Burgers, Soup, Chips, Apples, Cookies) The chapter was very fortunate to be awarded a grant from NAVHDA’s youth program to help defer the expenses. REC help by donating safety glasses and ear plugs. The chapter provided all the guns, shells, hunting and safety equipment to the hunters. Highway Tires, Wapello help us with a cash donation. Jeff and I donated the house property and shed.