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Monday, March 24, 2025

2025 Fall NAVHDA Tests - NA, GDT, UT


September 20 & 21, 2025 - Sat & Sun at 6:30 AM  (Rain or Shine)

Test Location:  Henke-Benson Farm 

 Conny Hansen,Test Secretary [Email]  Entry Mailing Address:  

[Test Entry Guidelines]  [Test Entry Form]
[Driving Directions] [Local Lodging - See Below]

Test Entry Fee: $125 for NA, $175 for GDT, $175 for UT.        



To receive a refund of your Test Entry Fee, you must cancel 30 days or more prior to the day of the Test by contacting the Test Secretary. Late cancellations will result in a forfeiture of your Test Entry Fee unless there is injury or illness of dog or handler verified by written statement from the doctor or veterinarian. 

Chukar will be used for the NA, UT & GDT Field Search. We guarantee every dog will have their own, fresh birds for each portion of their Test.

Meals:  TBA

Who Can Enter?

Any NAVHDA-registered versatile hunting dog. Owner and handler must by NAVHDA International members.

How to Enter: Send one complete Test Entry Form and the Test Entry Fee for each dog you are entering to:

Test Secretary

Conny Hansen

(319) 530-7722

[email protected]


Backyard Properties formerly Roy-El, 405 US-61, Wapello, IA 563-272-8815 (recommended), 3 miles from test site, newly remodeled.

Super 8 Motel, 2900 US-61, Muscatine, IA 563-263-9100 (Pet friendly)

Travelodge Inn, 2402 Park Avenue, Muscatine, IA 563-264-3337 (Pet friendly)

Super 8 Motel, 3001 Kirkwood St., Burlington, IA 319-576-0067 (Pet friendly)

Quality Inn, 3051 Kirkwood St., Burlington, IA 319-753-0000 (Pet friendly)

Papa’s Paradise Campground, 12729 J Ave., Wapello, IA 319-729-2257 (Right off Hwy 61)

Note: Muscatine and Burlington are both about 25 miles from the test meeting site.


Chapter Member Volunteers Needed!

If you can help with any of the following positions, please contact

Test Secretary

Conny Hansen

(319) 530-7722

[email protected]

  • Judge Steward
    (Looks after comfort / needs of judges.)
  • Bird Dresser
    (Clean harvested birds.)
  • Bird Planters
    (Use 4-wheelers and Chuck Wagon to plant birds for field tests.)
  • Food Organizer
    (Coordinates lunch plans.) 
  • Gunners
    (1 for each NA field test to fire blanks - minimal walking; 2 for each GDT/UT field test - much walking; 1 diversion gunner for each GDT/UT water retrieve test - no walking.)
  • Field Marshall
    (Have next handler/dog ready. Have next event setup/ready. Keep gallery from interfering.)

Registration & Payment

NOTE:  This is used to pay your entry fee. 

You MUST complete the NAVHDA Test Entry Form to be entered in the test.

The Natural Ability Test

The Natural Ability Test is designed to evaluate the inherent natural abilities of young dogs and gain insight into their possible usefulness as versatile gun dogs. Although a dog's natural abilities are being evaluated, a dog is expected to be prepared to take the Test.  In the Spring participation in March, April and May Training Days and the Mock Test is highly recommended.  When testing in the Fall you have June, July, August and September to prepare your puppy.  The Test rates seven important inherited abilities: nose, search, tracking, pointing, water, desire and cooperation.


 [Test Description]

Test entrants are judged one at a time, by three judges, with their performance scored against a standard. Prizes are awarded on the basis of numerical scores achieved in the test. Each dog that meets or exceeds minimum standards in all areas of work is placed in one of three categories: Prize I, II or III. Prize I being the highest classification. If all dogs entered in a NAVHDA test perform very well, all can receive a Prize I.

[Overview]   [Aims • Programs • Test Rules]

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