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The North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association (NAVHDA) is a legally recognized non-profit organization dedicated to fostering, improving, promoting and protecting the versatile hunting dog in North America. Underlying these aims is the desire to serve the interests of game conservation, the prevention of cruelty to animals, and good sportsmanship, by encouraging hunters to use dogs that are well-trained in work before and after the shot, on land and in the water.


  1. To educate all interested persons in the techniques of training versatile hunting dogs, to conduct tests of versatile hunting dog breeds in North America and maintain records of such tests for all interested persons and to promote selective breeding and population control of versatile hunting dog breeds.
  2. To prevent cruelty to animals by the use of properly trained hunting dogs.
  3. No substantial part of the activities of the corporation shall consist of carrying on propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation and the corporation shall not intervene in any political campaign.
  4. The corporation shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, national origin, sex, religion, or any legally proscribed classification, in its programs, activities, or employment practices.

This is an independent web site maintained by the Illowa Chapter. The IIllowa Chapter does not and is not authorized to speak or act on behalf of the North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association, Inc. The accuracy of any statements or information posted on or derived from use of this web site is not verified and may not reasonably be relied upon.


Good Dogs!

Good Friends!

Good Times!

Our Chapter includes a variety of versatile breeds from the French Brittany to the Spinone, and everything in between.

One of our favorite events for the year is the Youth Pheasant Hunt.

Click for VIDEO


The 21st Annual Fun Hunt and Trap Shoot COMING on April 19th, 2025.

Plan to support the chapter.  Bring your family and friends!  Illowa NAVHDA > Fun Hunt > Annual Fun Hunt Registration Form

5th Annual Jerry Houtekier Youth Pheasant Hunt - October 18, 2025

Youth will receive a review of hunting safety and rules followed by gun safety and trapshooting, game idendification, hunting dog demonstration and pheasant hunt..

All guns, ammo, blaze orange, eye/ear protection, and food were be provided.  A Pheasant Forever membership will be gifted by the chapter.

There is NO COST for this program thanks to NAVHDA, Midwest North NADKC, Louisa County Pheasant & Quail Forever and generous donations from other area sponsors.

Event Application           Liability Release Form


The 2025 Annual Meeting was held on January 25, 2025 at 11:00 AM

Where: Home of Ray and Sally Carter, 11640 61st Ave Pl, Blue Grass, IA  52726

We had a very nice turn out, great convesation, excellent food and productive discussion regarding chapter business.

The election of officers was held with the following results:  Ray Carter, President; Jeff Henke, V-President/Training Director,

Bobbi Benson, Secretary; Marie Appel, Treasurer, Mindy Brown, Board Member

Thank you expressed to Rainy Feddersen and Jennifer Fynaardt for their service to the chapter.



We Made The Cover - We made the cover of the VHD January 2019 magazine.  

Considering Joining Our Chapter? - If you are a prospective member, we invite and encourage you to join us for a Chapter Training Day. It is the best way to see first hand what our Chapter is all about, and to meet some of our Members. You will also undoubtedly come away from the Day with your training questions answered, as well as a new training tip or technique. Contact us for more information, or Join Today! 


Upcoming Events




Spring Test

Brushdale Hunting Preserve

The event is published in the NAVHDA Calendar,

Entries are being accepted.

Test Secretary,
Michelle Wilbers
Brush Dale Kennel
17374 Highway 62
Maquoketa, IA 52060
563-672-3291 (home & office)




Spring Test

Brushdale Hunting Preserve

This test is published in the NAVHDA calendar.

Entries are being accepted.

Test Secretary,
Michelle Wilbers
Brush Dale Kennel
17374 Highway 62
Maquoketa, IA 52060
563-672-3291 (home & office)




Spring Test

Brushdale Hunting Preserve

The test is published in the NAVHDA calendar.

Entries are being accepted.

Test Secretary,
Michelle Wilbers
Brush Dale Kennel
17374 Highway 62
Maquoketa, IA 52060
563-672-3291 (home & office)




Fall Test

Wapello, IA

The test is posted on the NAVHDA calendar.

Entries are being accepted now.

Test Secretary

Conny Hansen

(319) 530-7722

[email protected]


Sponsors & Affiliations

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